Denver, CO – Bio-One Inc. ranked #381 in Entrepreneur magazine’s 43rd annual Franchise 500®. This is the sixth year in a row that Bio-One has been included in the ranking.
A total of 1,177 companies met the requirements, and each franchise was given a cumulative score based on an analysis of more than 150 data points. The 500 franchises with the highest cumulative scores become the Franchise 500® in ranking order.
“We’re grateful to be recognized by Entrepreneur for the sixth year in a row,” said Brian Brinegar, President of Bio-One Inc. “The ranking is a direct reflection of our growth, strength of our franchisees, and our ability to consistently deliver care and compassion to our clients.”
Succeeding 12 years of franchising, Bio-One has over 115 offices in more than 40 states with services that include crime and trauma scene cleaning, hoarding remediation, odor removal, sewage backups, and more. In 2021, Bio-One also ranked #1 in Entrepreneur’s Best of the Best for Crime-Scene Cleaning.
About Bio-One Inc.
Bio-One provides high quality decontamination and biohazard cleanup services while treating clients with the privacy and compassion that difficult moments demand. Bio-One services include suicide cleanup, homicide cleanup, hoarding remediation, junk removal, deceased animal recovery, feces removal, and more. Bio-One was first created in 2006 and began franchising in 2010. In 2021, Bio-One joined the Five Star Franchising portfolio. Five Star Franchising is a highly innovative conglomerate of franchisor brands with a mission to ensure its brands are top performers in technology, marketing, branding, and people. For more information about Bio-One, visit us at
Bio-One, Inc. Donates 5,000 First Aid Kits and Pays Tribute to Fallen Officers
In recognition of National Police Week, May 9-15, Bio-One, Inc. will thank first responders by donating 5,000 first aid kits as part of their nationwide campaign #HelpFirst for First Responders. Throughout the week, Bio-One offices in 41 states will distribute the first aid kits, which include alcohol swabs, Advil, gloves, gauze pads, and an assortment of bandages.
Since 1962, National Police Week pays special recognition to law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others.
“As crime and trauma scene cleaners, Bio-One works closely with law enforcement across the country and National Police Week is a great opportunity to say thank you for their service and sacrifices,” said Nick-Anthony Zamucen, founder of Bio-One, Inc. “Our #HelpFirst campaign aligns with our motto, Help First, Business Second, and it is our hope that these kits will help officers and community members in the event of a minor medical emergency.”
As a 2021 corporate sponsor of the Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, Bio-One will also pay tribute to fallen officers during the virtual 33rd Annual Candlelight Vigil on May 13 at 8:00 p.m. The event will be broadcasted live on Facebook, YouTube, and
“We are so thankful for Bio-One’s corporate partnership and their continued support of the Memorial Fund,” said Marcia Ferranto, CEO of the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund. “This partnership will further bolster the Memorial Fund’s mission of honoring America’s Law Enforcement, as well as provide support for the Museum’s upcoming exhibition opening in September. We are grateful for their commitment.”
Established in 1984, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund is a nonprofit organization dedicated to honoring the fallen, telling the story of American law enforcement, and making it safer for those who serve. The Memorial Fund maintains the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C., which honors the names of all of the 22,611 officers who have died in the line of duty throughout U.S. history.
Bio-One teams across the U.S. answer calls to help their communities and remediate a variety of scenes. In our new blog series, we'd like to bring you into the Bio-One world by sharing stories of the unique and important work we do for local communities.
Here is Week 7 of our Bio-One Weekly Wrap-Up.
Thank You to the Thin Gold Line
The second week of April is a time to celebrate and thank telecommunications professionals who dedicate their lives to serving the public. Often called the thin gold line, 911 dispatchers are true heroes behind the scenes.
Coast to coast, Bio-One teams found fun and unique ways to recognize the Thin Gold Line.
Bio-One Helps Homeless Man with Vehicle Clean Up
This week, News San Diego reported "Homeless man's story inspires San Diego mom to enlist community's help", featuring Rene Flohr and Nicki Chipp-Flohr, owners of Bio-One. The Bio-One duo spotted a NextDoor post asking for anyone who could help 79 year-old, Les, who had been living out of his vehicle and was recently diagnosed with skin cancer. His vehicle was floor to ceiling full of items, and Bio-One was ready to help clean and disinfect the vehicle so it could be sold or donated.
In a message to Bio-One owners, Nicki said, "I am very proud of what we are doing to help someone. I thought you’d all appreciate it, since we live the Bio-One motto of #helpfirstbusinesssecond." We couldn't agree more!
Read the entire story on News San Diego.
A "Week in the Life" at Bio-One
The Bio-One team in Tuscon, AZ had a busy week with work ranging from COVID-19 disinfections, mold remediations, bird dropping clean up, medical waste disposal, suicide remediation, and more.
If you've ever wondered what it takes to be a crime and trauma scene cleaner, we recommend read through the Tuscon team's Weekly Wrap-Up!
Bio-One teams across the U.S. answer calls to help their communities and remediate a variety of scenes. In our new blog series, we'd like to bring you into the Bio-One world by sharing stories of the unique and important work we do for local communities.
Here is Week 6 of our Bio-One Weekly Wrap-Up.
Cherokee County Biohazard Remediation
Lives in the Atlanta area were forever altered on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 after a shooting spree at three metro Atlanta spas left eight people, including six Asian women, dead within the span of 45 minutes.
Our hearts and sympathies are with everyone impacted by this tragedy.
Two weeks after the tragic events in Atlanta took place, Bio-One answered the call to remediate the spa in Cherokee County. Led by Michele O'Brien and Rebecca Phillips, the Bio-One team provided a quick response and thorough decontamination. Read more in our recent blog post.
Tragedy in Rock Hill, South Carolina
As details from the tragedy in Rock Hill, South Carolina unfold, one Bio-One team paid special tribute to the victims, first responders and other local law enforcement officials. Bio-One owners, John and Jen Symons, live in Rock Hill and experienced the police response first-hand. "It's a tight-knit community. We just can't believe it," said Jen Symons.
Their team is currently in communication with local law enforcement, and activity supporting neighbors through this difficult time.
COVID-19 Disinfection at Dojo
This week, we're spotlighting the Atlantic City team where they are regularly disinfecting Ganguly's Mixed Martial Arts. According to Bio-One owner, Victor Russomanno, "We are contracted with a local martial arts studio to disinfect them weekly. In addition to their in-house protocol, we use an electrostatic sprayer to ensure maximum coverage and protection, to ensure those who are training are staying safe through our efforts."
Across the United States, Bio-One teams actively disinfect local businesses, government buildings, and residents in the fight against coronavirus. Learn more about our COVID-19 disinfection process.
Bio-One teams across the U.S. answer calls to help their communities and remediate a variety of scenes. In our new blog series, we'd like to bring you into the Bio-One world by sharing stories of the unique and important work we do for local communities.
Here is Week 5 of our Bio-One Weekly Wrap-Up.
Chocolate Spill Makes for a Sweet Cleanup
In Scranton on March 25, Juan and Nicole Morales received a call for a "chocolate" cleanup. Assuming this was code for a sewage back-up, they rushed to scene to find a different situation entirely. Approximately 100 gallons of milk chocolate had spilled, covering asphalt outside a local business.
This is certainly the sweetest smelling job a Bio-One office has ever taken, but Nicole clarified, "That smell was nice for the first few minutes but at the end I felt sick. Good thing we had an awesome team that pushed through and got this done!"
After scraping the chocolate with a forklift and pressure washing the area, the Bio-One team received a five-star review. Well done!
Behind the Scenes with Citizen's Academy
Many Bio-One owners sign up for their local Citizen's Police Academy to acquaint themselves with the activities of their local police department. This week, Bio-One owner, Ginger Akemon, in Jacksonville, FL earned her Citizen's Police Academy certificate from the Clay County Sheriff's Office.
"Definitely a learning process. Each County has their own, my goal is to go to each county's classes. This was 10 weeks long and over an hour drive each way, but well worth it, " said Ginger.
Hoarding Transformation in Long Beach
In Long Beach, the Bio-One team has been working hard on several hoarding projects. These before and after pictures show the detail and expertise our teams bring to each job.